Ever had a Philly taco? It's when you get a cheesesteak and then roll it up into a giant slice of pizza.
The creation is getting national attention from a CityPass list of outrageous foods around the country.
Now, there's not a place (that we know of) who will actually make the whole thing for you.
But this bizarre Frankenfood seems to be the brainchild of a few inebriated who patron South Street.
Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories after races, so this is totally ok, right..? #BroadStreetRun #PhillyTaco pic.twitter.com/9irWUeWUN4
— Max Rappaport (@MaxRappaport) May 4, 2014
Philly.com's Michael Klein points out how it works. First, you go to Jim's Steaks and get a cheesesteak. Then you trudge a block down South to Lorenzo's pizza. Once there, order a jumbo plain slice.
Take the tapered end of the pizza, wrap it inside the steak, then roll and viola! you have the epitome of drunk food in your hands.
Photo Credit: level_13/Instagram